Pioneering Sustainable Humidity Control

Our Purpose

Reduce energy consumption and waste production associated with humidity control.

Deploy useful, accessible, and sustainable humidity control solutions.

Design and manufacture frugal humidity control materials and products.

Our Innovation

An innovative patented humidity control process based on porous materials for controlling humidity in closed spaces

An icon of a molecule


A technological innovation based on materials with  specific mesoporosity.
icon with a drop of water containing a renewable symbol


A product with high adsorption and regeneration capacity at ambient temperature, pressure, and humidity levels.
Icon with two arrows in a circle around a lightning bolt
A breakthrough in passive humidity control, maintaining a stable hygrometric level over time without any energy input.

Our Ambition

Leading sustainability in the field of humidity control by creating a range of passive and active solutions.

Passive Regulating Tape

This product ensures better preservation and reduces losses of goods during storage and transport. Reusable and flexible, our tape prevents condensation in closed spaces subject to humidity variations (e.g., day/night cycles).
Pre-commercial launch expected in Q4 2024
Image of large crates in storage Image of a truckImage of a boat with containers
Illustration of the composition of the Passive Regulative Tape and how it works
Image of Passive Regulating Tape product
Image of Passive Regulating Tape product
A double arrow to display the previous image
a double arrow to display the following image

Ventilated Regulating Module

This product is temporarily capping the humidity peaks in spaces that experience very rapid increases in humidity and/or the addition of large quantities of water, while also offering a reduction in energy expenditure relative to regular dehumidifcation equipments.
Ongoing development, commercial launch expected in 2025
Image of a warehouse with cardboard boxesImage of a buildingImage of a museum wall with hanging paintings
Illustration of how Ventilated Regulating Module works

Active dehumidification Air Swing

This product extracts moisture and expels it outside, ideal for spaces with continuous production of water vapor. It offers significant energy expenditure reduction, modularity, and continuous extraction capabilities.
Ongoing development, commercial launch expected in 2026
Image of a greenhouse growing tomatoesImage of medication blister packsImage of a machine producing cardboard packaging
Illustration of how Active dehumidification Air Swing works

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